Why Tea Tree Oil is Heaven Sent

Why Tea Tree Oil is Heaven Sent

Tea tree oil is one of the most versatile essential oils, which comes from the leaves of a small tree that can be found in Australia called the Melaleuca alternifolia. It is an antiseptic that has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. It has become very popular in a lot of households and within the beauty industry. Tea tree oil offers various uses such as;


1. Acne
Tea tree oil can be used to get rid of spots and acne. It is a staple for my skincare routine and has been extremely helpful with treating spots on my face. 

2. Post-hair removal care
If you wax or shave, tea tree oil is a good way to soothe and treat your skin post hair removal. It is really good at tackling ingrown hairs and bumps. 


3. Anti-fungal 
If you suffer from nail fungus, tea tree oil may be used to help with the appearance of your nails. Research has shown that it is an effective natural remedy in treating nail fungus. From my experience tea tree oil is one of the best oils used to treat nail fungus plus it cost less and goes a longer way. It may also be useful in treating athlete’s foot. 


4. Anti-bacterial 
The native Australians have used this oil to treat skin conditions and wounds for hundreds of years due to its antiseptic anti-bacterial properties. It is really good in disinfecting and healing minor cuts and wounds. 

Studies have shown that it also has some antiviral properties. Tea tree oil can be used as;

  • A hand sanitizer
  • As a general cleaning agent
  • To kill germs that cause colds and flus. 


5. Anti-inflammatory
If you suffer from a skin condition such as dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, tea tree oil may help to relieve flare ups, irritation and severity of symptoms.

It is a very good way of loosening dandruff and scale from the scalp and can help soothe inflammation and irritation caused by insect bites. 


6. Insect repellent 
Studies showed that tea tree oil is more effective than DEET a common ingredient found in insect repellents. If you're a lover of the outdoors, go camping or live in a tropical country this should be in your cupboard!


7. Mouthwash
People have noted that tea tree oil was quite effective in treating bacterial infection of the gum and mouth and getting rid of dental plaque. It should always be diluted and never ingested. 


There are so many other great uses of tea tree oil and it is important to note that the potency and the amount used varies for each of its uses. Though it is generally safe for use it may cause irritation for a few. 

What are you still waiting for? Head over to our site to get your heaven sent bottle of tea tree oil

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