Hair, Skin, Wellness: My COVID 19 Lockdown Routine and Tips

Hair, Skin, Wellness: My COVID 19 Lockdown Routine and Tips

Shortly after my return from the UK and Dubai, the first two weeks lockdown was initiated. Loads of thoughts filled my head, but the unique one that stood out was the need to stock up food items including water, fruits and vegetables. Once that was achieved, my next target was my hair and skin - this would be the best time to take proper care of both as they had been neglected due to the hustle and bustle of running a business. 

Frustrated about the current situation and the likely possibility of an extension of the lockdown, I decided to make the best of it and develop a self care routine. Below is my daily and weekly activities for happiness and good health.

Hair care: 

  • I wash and condition once a week and every 2 weeks I do a deep condition. It’s also important to moisture and seal post hair wash. You can do the LOC (Liquid, Oil and Cream) method which is basically a good method to moisturise and seal the hair. 
  • I can either use water or a water based product (e.g mist/leave-in conditioner), use a sealant such as an essential oil or any oil of your preference (e.g olive oil) and a cream/butter to keep the moisture in which will aid in hydration of the hair. My choice of products are Riza Hydrating Mist, Avocado Oil and Coconut Hair Butter.
  • I make sure to braid/plait my hair after this as it will keep my ends protected from breakage. Please note that the LOC method can be done twice a week or when you think your hair is dry and in need of some extra moisture. 

Skin and Face care: 

  • I shower daily and moisturise after with the Riza Super Moisturising Body Oil
  • I use our bespoke Aloe Vera soap free wash to gently cleanse my face and then apply Vitamin C for that extra glow! You can check your local beauty stores or pharmacies for Vitamin C but I got mine from Holland and Barrett. 


  • I exercise daily for about 30-45 minutes. This is really good for blood circulation, increasing energy levels and for improving the function of the lungs, which is important right now as coronavirus attacks the lungs and immune system. 
  • A healthy diet with loads of fruits and vegetables are also good in keeping the immune system strong. If you have trouble with eating vegetables and fruits you can always blend them into a smoothie. I really love to make a fruity smoothie. You can make a spinach & blueberry smoothie to incorporate both vegetables and fruits in your diet. There are lots of iron and antioxidants in this delicious combination which is  extremely beneficial to the function of the body. 
  • I take vitamins and supplements (like Wellwoman Plus vitabiotics and Vitamin D3) to further boost my immune system alongside drinking hot water with lemon and honey. 
  • Freshly grated ginger can be added to the hot lemon water. Ginger contains chemical compounds that can lower risks of infections. Lemon is a very good source of vitamin c and can improve ones skin quality and aids digestion. Honey used to sweeten the hot water lemon also has its own beneficial properties. It has been recommended as an effective natural alternative to cough syrup by the WHO. 
  • Oh yes ... Stay hydrated! A healthy balanced diet & supplements will be useless without drinking enough water daily (2 litres per day is recommended).

Lastly and most importantly, Riza Natural Oils & Remedies will advise that you:

  • Practice social distancing 
  • Carry and use hand sanitizer always (at least 60% concentration of alcohol)
  • Wear a face mask when out 
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
  • Adhere to CDC guidelines. 
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thanks for sharing good contentiptv

Victoria Joachin

Great article 👍🏽


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